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State Matters - 22 July 2024

Writer's picture: Dave  Layzell MPDave Layzell MP


HUNTER NEW ENGLAND Local Health District (LHD) will continue to benefit from the NSW Rural Generalist Single Employer Pathway (RGSEP).

The first group of 21 trainees was recruited to the program this year following an innovative program trialled in the Murrumbidgee LHD. 

Positions for the 2025 clinical year are now open to train and employ doctors where they are needed most and help them establish a career as a Rural Generalist.

Trainees on the pathway are employed for up to four years by a regional Local Health District (LHD), while completing training in both the primary care (GP) and hospital settings.

Rural Generalists have qualifications in an advanced skill area such as anaesthetics, emergency medicine, obstetrics, palliative care, mental health, and paediatrics - they provide primary care services while also working in hospitals.

Applications for the Rural Generalist Single Employer Pathway close on 6 August with further information at:​​​


The NSW Electoral Commission urges voters to check their enrolment before 5 August to ensure they are ready to vote in this year’s Local Government elections.

Voting on Saturday 14 September is compulsory with the electoral roll used at the election unable to be updated after 6pm on Monday 5 August.

Voters are reminded that at council elections you must attend a polling place in your council area or ward and you cannot vote outside your local government area.

If you have recently moved or are not enrolled to vote where you currently live, update your details now and if you are 17 and will be 18 on or before election day, provisionally enrol now and be ready to vote in September.

To update your details on the electoral roll got to: , call 132326 for advice or visit the nearest AEC office located at 13 Mitchell Drive East Maitland.


EnergyCo has launched a Community and Employment Benefit Program Grant for the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone which includes the Cassilis area.


The program aims to deliver tangible benefits for communities hosting new energy infrastructure with EnergyCo to provide more than $128 over the next four years.  


An initial $70 million is available through four funding streams to help deliver local community projects and infrastructure within the Central-West Orana region.


Applications for the Local Community Fund, the Local Community Small Grants, the First Nations Fund and the Legacy Infrastructure Fund are now open for all eligible applicants.


The remaining funds will be invested into other grant programs, such as further training and employment programs that help local workers participate in the renewable energy transition.


Further information on how to apply for each of the streams and the support provided for each is available on the EnergyCo website:



Semester 2 commences for TAFE NSW this week with opportunities still available for prospective students to enrol and develop skills for life.


If you are undecided on your options for skills training, then TAFE will hold a Virtual Open Day on 22 August, 9am-4pm.

The information sessions will allow you to explore career choices, ask questions and meet TAFE’s supportive teachers.


The Virtual Open Day will include webinars, podcasts, live Q&A sessions and you can book one-on-one meetings with industry-qualified teachers.




As Term 3 of the school year begins this week, NSW Health is closely watching to get better insight into this winter’s Influenza outbreak.


The NSW Respiratory Surveillance Report for the week ended 13 July showed that   Influenza is at a high level of activity, whilst COVID-19 and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are at moderate levels.


COVID-19 notifications now only reflect cases referred by a doctor for a PCR test, with NSW Health also monitoring outbreaks in residential aged-care facilities published by the Australian Government and antiviral prescriptions dispensed in NSW.

Hunter New England Local Health District’s latest data showed 1,398 Influenza cases taking the Year-to-Date total to 7,971, COVID had 201 reports increasing this year’s total to 7,403 and the 151 RSV infections lifted the 2024 tally to 4,771.


NSW Health advice is to stay home if you have cold or flu symptoms, wear a mask if you leave home and call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 if unwell and you are unsure where to go.



Feedback is currently being sought to inform the NSW Government’s Suicide Prevention Legislation.

If you have lived or living experience of suicide, your voice is important to help shape the legislation.  


This includes people who have or are caring for someone through a suicidal crisis and people who are bereaved by suicide.


It is one of many tools to strengthen NSW’s whole of government approach to suicide prevention enabling cross-portfolio responsibility and accountability for suicide prevention.


What is known is that almost half of people who die by suicide do not have contact with a hospital or mental health service in the 12 months prior to suicide.




A reminder that there is still time to enter the Sustainable Cities and Tidy Towns Awards.

Keep Australia Beautiful NSW will close entries on Wednesday 31 July for categories which include the circular economy, litter prevention, resource recovery, waste avoidance, liveable cities/towns, heritage and culture, community spirit and inclusion, young legends and the overall award. 

The awards are a great opportunity to nominate a council/town, individual, community group or business and recognise their efforts in keeping our state sustainable.  

Category judging will be conducted in August-September with the Sustainable Cities winners announced in October and Tidy Towns in early November.



The countdown is drawing to a close for Years 5-12 students across NSW to submit their entries for the 2024 Parli-Flicks Short Film Award.

Students are encouraged to create a short film, up to one minute long, that answers this year’s theme: If you were a Member of Parliament, what is the one law that you would want to pass?

Five entries in the competition will be shortlisted into the Best Regional, Best Metropolitan, Best Primary (Years 5 & 6), Best Junior Secondary (Years 7 – 9) and Best Senior Secondary (Years 10 – 12) categories.

The finalists are invited to an awards night at the Parliament of NSW in Sydney on Wednesday 13 November, where the overall winner will be announced.



Thank you in advance to everyone participating in National Tree Day events across the Upper Hunter Electorate.

Schools Tree Day is being held this Friday, 26 July, and National Tree Day is Sunday 28 July.


Muswellbrook Shire Council has an event planned for Hyde Street Denman on Sunday 9am-12pm, with Sustainable Futures, Muswellbrook at Tarinpa, formerly Hunter Beach, in Aberdeen Street, 11am-1pm.


Singleton Tidy Towns and Singleton Lions Club head to Robinson Reserve, 10am-1pm, to plant over 500 native and locally significant tube stock varieties.


Rothbury Bushcare gathers in Frederick Street North Rothbury, 9-11am, to revegetate a road corridor which connects disjointed patches of native bushland.


At Vacy, Hunter Region Landcare Network and Gresford Landcare will host a Biodiversity planting day in Gresford Road, 10am-12pm.


For more on National Tree Day visit:


Hunter Local Land Services is reminding the community that Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs) are not for recreation purposes.

TSRs are often located in the most fertile and cleared parts of the landscape and are vital for supporting high levels of biodiversity and many threatened species and communities.

Activities to be avoided on the reserves include motorbike riding, four-wheel driving and camping.

If you are not sure where TSRs are located, you can contact your nearest Local Land Services office on 1300 795 299 to find out.

Otherwise, visit Forestry Corporation: or the National Parks and Wildlife Service: for suggestions.


NSW Police are using a recent incident to remind the public to take the precautions to reduce the risk of being scammed by cold callers.

The warning follows hoax telephone callers purporting themselves to be from a police station in an attempt to obtain personal details over the phone.

NSW Police has subsequently issued some basic advice to help people avoid being scammed, which include hanging up immediately if you receive a threatening call or one demanding money.

Never disclose personal details, bank details, your banking PIN or passwords over the telephone.

Contact your bank or financial institution immediately if you believe you have fallen victim to a financial scam and also contact police immediately to report the incident.

You can find more advice at: and if you have been the victim of a scam, report it to Scamwatch:


Contact Dave

Right across our region, Dave is working hard to make sure that Upper Hunter gets the attention and investment it deserves. If you have an issue, please get in touch - Dave is always looking to hear your feedback.

(02) 6543 1065

Thanks. Dave will be back in contact soon!

Authorised by the Dave Layzell MP, 20 Bridge Street, Muswellbrook NSW 2333. Designed by Cowboy Communications.

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