Young people in Singleton will have even more opportunities to play sport and extra support to develop valuable life skills, thanks to Round Five of the NSW Liberal and National Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund.
Deputy Premier, Minister for Police and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said a $156,090 grant will support the Singleton PCYC to continue to deliver and expand its popular Friday Afternoon Fun Disability Sport and Support Program.
“We are investing in the next generation of locals, so I’m proud this grant will deliver fit-for-purpose, modified sports equipment so that every child can have greater access to accessible sport and fitness activities,” Mr Toole said.
“PCYC is also expanding its offerings to include job readiness training, youth-led community events, holiday programs and workshops, as well as bringing in specialist educators and mentors to talk to young people.”
Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government continued to invest in projects like this to help make the region an even better place to call home.
“Stronger Country Communities Fund has been a game changer in the Singleton area, delivering projects like upgrades to Singleton Swimming Pool and Singleton Rugby Club,” Mr Layzell said.
“The Singleton PCYC has a proud 55-year history of delivering activities for the local community and we understand the vital role that these inclusive and accessible groups play in creating connection and building skills and wellbeing for local youth.”
PCYC NSW Chief Executive Officer Dominic Teakle said that well-run, inclusive and supervised activities provide youth with the ability to develop resilience, fitness and improve positivity and wellbeing.
“As a youth charity, PCYC NSW has been serving communities across NSW for over 85 years and we are humbled to be the recipients of Round Five of the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund to provide opportunities for the youth in the Singleton community,” Mr Teakle said.
PCYC Singleton Club Manager David Andrews said he has seen first-hand the profound effect the Friday Afternoon Fun Disability Sport and Support Program has had on local young people.
“It has helped them build resilience and confidence which has improved their mental health and wellbeing and the young people develop a great sense of community spirit and connection, while getting fit and having fun,” Mr Andrews said.
The $660 million Stronger Country Communities Fund is part of the NSW Government’s $3.3 billion Regional Growth Fund, designed to support growing regional centres, activate local economies and improve services and community infrastructure in the regions, with more than 2,530 projects in every local government area in the regions.
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PICTURE CAPTION: Dave Layzell and Deputy Premier Paul Toole deliver news of the Stronger Country Communities Fund grant for Singleton PCYC.