Speed limits will be lowered at five level crossings across the Upper Hunter as part of
a continued drive to improve safety for motorists.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said speed
limits would be reduced to 80 km/h on the approaches to level crossings at Hilldale,
Wallarobba and Berrico, and to 60 km/h on the approaches to level crossings at Wards
River and Bulliac, following a statewide safety review.
“Crashes at level crossings have the potential to cause multiple fatalities and have
devastating impacts on families and local communities,” Mr Toole said.
“There have been 83 collisions between trains and vehicles at level crossings between
July 2008 and May this year, resulting in 10 fatalities and 13 people seriously injured.
More than 30 per cent occurred at locations where the speed limit was 100 km/h or
“Reducing the speed limit reduces the likelihood of a crash and give drivers more time
to react and stop safely.”
Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said improving safety at level crossings was a key priority for the NSW Government as it worked to drive the road toll towards zero.
“We know how important improving level crossing safety is to our community – and it’s something we’re working hard to address,” Mr Layzell said.
“A package of speed zone signs will be installed to reflect the changes, together with
warning signs alerting motorists to the level crossings, with all signs expected to be
installed in the coming months.”
Motorists are reminded to drive to the speed limits at all times for the safety of all road
Members of the community can sign up at the Safer Roads NSW website
www.saferroadsnsw.com.au to receive updates about changes to permanent speed
limits in their area.
