People in Singleton will have more options to get to work, school and explore their local community through the NSW Government’s $110 million Get NSW Active program.
Upper Hunter MP Dave Layzell said the Upper Hunter Electorate was among the beneficiaries of $40 million in funding to further experience the community in a healthy, sustainable way.
“This is a fantastic outcome for the community that means we are a step closer to building four projects in Singleton that will deliver better connections for local residents,” Mr Layzell said.
The projects that have been funded include:
· Construction of a concrete footpath on Patrick Street to link the existing footpath on Queen Street to a proposed footpath on Boundary Street;
· Footpath construction on Boundary Street from the end of the existing section of footpath to Queen Street;
· Construction of a footpath on Market Street from the end of the existing section of footpath to Patrick Street; and,
· Footpath construction on Hunter Street between the existing footpath on George Street and the existing footpath on Bourke Street. This section of footpath will result in a full footpath around the perimeter of Burdekin Park.
“We want everyone to have access to all the wonderful things that Singleton and the Upper Hunter Electorate has to offer and the best way to do that is to get out on foot or on your bike and take it all in while enjoying the outdoors.
Minister for Active Transport Rob Stokes said there were hundreds of applications for Get NSW Active across the State.
“More than $40 million in funding for projects right across NSW will provide families with choice on how they’re going to get to school or work, their local park or shops or even the beach, giving them the chance to leave the car at home and leave more money in hip-pockets,” Mr Stokes said.
“The evidence is clear that investing in Active Transport infrastructure makes local communities happier, healthier and more productive.”
The projects will now be progressed and delivered by Singleton Council which receives over $316,000 for the upgrades.
Four tranches will be announced throughout the year with a total investment of $110 million NSW-wide.
For a list of Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 successful applicants visit
PHOTO CAPTION: A new path is coming for the Hunter Street boundary of Burdekin Park, Singleton.
