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About Dave...

Dave is your hardworking MP with a proven track record of working to create a safer and stronger community.

Passionate about protecting local jobs, listening to people and finding common-sense solutions, Dave knows there’s enormous potential in the Upper Hunter.

As a father of four, he wants to give his kids the opportunity of a great future, and that means a great job. Mining, agriculture and tourism industries drive this region and protecting jobs are an essential part of that.

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Dave also believes in supporting locals – local jobs, local families, and local businesses – and unlocking every opportunity for the Upper Hunter to succeed. Creating more and better-paying local jobs while tackling the cost of living are two of Dave’s big priorities - as is protecting the region’s workers.

Strong mining and agriculture industries mean people continue to have secure jobs. The Nationals have a history of fighting for local issues, and Dave intends to continue that legacy.

Electoral District of Upper Hunter

This electorate of Upper Hunter is a large electorate, extending from Quirindi in the north, down to Singleton in the south, and from Cassilis in the west across to towns like Gloucester and Stroud in the east.


The diverse electorate covers seven local government areas, and over 21,700 square kilometres.


Upper Hunter’s industries include several for which NSW - and Australia - are famous, including farming, winegrowing, mining and equine, all of which help make the backbone of our state’s economy.



Areas like Scone in the geographic Upper Hunter are well known for their farming land and the equine industry, whilst regions such as Singleton and Muswellbrook are linked to the electorate’s proud mining heritage. To the east the towns of Gloucester and Dungog are closely linked to the dairy industry, and in the south, that area of the Pokolbin which is within the electorate is famed for its wine industry.

Download a copy of the electorate map:

Contact Dave

Right across our region, Dave is working hard to make sure that Upper Hunter gets the attention and investment it deserves. If you have an issue, please get in touch - Dave is always looking to hear your feedback.


(02) 6543 1065

Thanks. Dave will be back in contact soon!

Authorised by the Dave Layzell MP, 20 Bridge Street, Muswellbrook NSW 2333. Designed by Cowboy Communications.

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